Kendama Entertainment Network

A community for the balanced lifestyle.

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    Every year over at the kendama forum we have a collaboration video; here's the latest one for 2017. Enjoy!

    More... Jun 20, 2017

    21   4   3

    Fresh podcast from Rod and MJ, straight outta Japan.

    More... Dec 2, 2018

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    My friend was playing the first song in this edit today (Chvrches - The Mother We Share) and after a second of recognizing it was from a kendama edit but not knowing which one, I realized it came from the legendary CVK Edit 3. So I of course had to re-watch it! I'll just leave this here for everyone's viewing pleasure....

    More... Nov 21, 2016

    23   4   3

    Some clips and new tricks on my new Matt Ballard Krom Pro Mod. Enjoy :)

    More... Mar 5, 2017

    159   4   3

    by Sigvard

    Dendama is looking to expand beyond Japan. On April 14th, Dendama, the sensor-laiden kendama with a digital interface, launched it's kickstarter campaign. The company aims to "gameify" the traditionally analog toy. It's an interesting concept, being able to battle anyone in the world through the app with out actually going anywhere. Very meta. TheDendama uses a coil sensor, an accelerometer, and a gyro sensor. The sensors recognize where the ball lands and can analyze the ball’s movement to identify different tricks on the spike and cups. The Dendama connects to an app, with several different game modes. One of the modes is essentially a timed ladder, similar to tetris where you can make your opponent "lose time" by hitting a trick first. Another is Dendama Occupy (Jin-Dash). Tap on the trick you want and complete it within the time limit to steal the spot from your opponent. Gain ground on your opponent to steal their spots away. Whoever is left with the most territory, wins. How do you feel about the idea of playing kendama digitally? Would it save you gas money, make new friends? Would you miss the unplugged, natural aspect of wood? Would you add it to your collection? Downspike has lined up an AMA with Yoshishiro Otani and Tyson Batino, makers of Dendama. Stay tuned and link up directly with them in the forums to ask them anything. Dendama aims to ship by year end 2017. Ask the creators here: [MEDIA]

    More... Mar 16, 2017

    120   4   6

    by Dæmon

    Coming at you, still in the karaoke box with these two having fun with the lotus root dama. Enjoy and be gentle.

    More... Jun 7, 2017

    54   4   2

    This is one schweet dama. I messed up the bevel size and it's actually 23mm, not 21mm! Sorry about that. Check out GT's website below, along with some other links to things. love u

    More... Apr 28, 2020

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    Probably the most iconic and nostalgic kendama video I've ever made, throwing it back to CVK Edit 3 from 2013. The goal was not to land the nastiest bangerz you've ever seen (even though some of this was cutting edge at the time), but rather to include as many different players as possible and shoot in beautiful locations, and have a blast doing it. I think that's really what made it so popular, and I always love going back to read through the comments that people have made saying that this is the video that got them into dama in the first place. And that's really what it's all about right? Spreading the dama love, making lasting friendships, and having fun.

    More... Dec 28, 2016

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    Kendama brings me so much joy, drive, creativity, passion, along with a million other positive things! I hope you guys enjoy!!

    More... Dec 28, 2016

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    Sometimes practicing for a big competition gets a little repetitive, so I decided to switch it up by combining three tricks into one combo. Here are three combos with nine of the 2016 MKO open division tricks, along with a couple fun individual MKO tricks.

    More... Oct 11, 2016

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    We took acid and went to the thing

    More... Mar 15, 2017

    12   4   1

    by furin

    Do you agree with their list? 1. Wyatt Bray 2. Bonz Atron 3. Lukas Funk 4. Zack Gallagher 5. Nic Stodd 6. George Marshall 7. Jake Fischer 8. Nick Gallagher 9. Jarod Porter 10. Brandon Meyer

    More... Mar 15, 2017

    71   4   9

    by Dæmon

    This documentary was filmed during our time at Kendama Co soon after I got sponsored. John put together an amazing piece showing how Kendama changed my life during a pivotal moment and overall how it has affected my life overall! Enjoy!

    More... Dec 29, 2016

    45   4   4

    Straight FEASTING

    More... Jan 8, 2019

    243   4   3

    Sam Cannon, Grant Ingersloth, and myself got together and cranked out a little day edit! Enjoy some kendama play and sub par filming!

    More... Dec 31, 2016

    11   4   3