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TEAM EDIT MARCH! What are your thoughts on clips? POV or tripod? Comment below who had the heaters this month! Music By: EUNG FREESTYLE (응프리스타일) cut by scags -KUSA
More... Apr 2, 201891 2 0
KROMIE Lukas Sandgren and his lil bro Philip went to San Diego They came, they saw, they slayed!
More... Apr 4, 201877 2 0
Top 10 in the world. Tribe member Logan Tosta gives some real good vibes. Enjoy his 5 year edit as he cruised Downtown Sacramento putting on for his city.
More... Apr 7, 201830 2 1
Japan fest 2018 was amazing. Had alot of fun meeting and hanging out with Kendama USA pro Bryan Scagline, Tamotsu, and Zoomadanke. Big thanks to all the Texas kendama family that came out and made it so much fun. Featuring tricks by Mack Dick @stayyoung7 , Iji, Nikki @nikki_deo,Will @willscheibe, Austin clark @babe.ruphylin, Jacob @BronzeBarracuda, Michael Martin @mmartart, and Dom Slade @_dslade. Kururin slayage by Eshra. Keep your eyes peeled for blog 9 part 2. Its gonna be crazy. Huge thanks to Bryan and eveyone at KendamaUSA!!!
More... May 7, 201834 2 0
by nikki_deo
58 2 0
Hi everyone! Here's my video entry for the Dama On sponsorship contest. The tricks, editing style, and music show who I am as a person and a kendama player. Hope you guys enjoy! Kendama Play: Emil Apostol Editing: Emil Apostol Music: Joakim Karud - Dreams Kendamas from: Cereal Kendama, Sweets Kendamas, Kendama USA, Philken Kendama, and goenKendama Music by Joakim Karud
More... Jun 3, 201826 2 0
by Emil Apostol
If you're in Minneapolis drop by ken club at the sweets shop every Tuesday 6-8pm and jam!
More... Jun 15, 201837 2 0
266 2 0
LET'S GET IT! Back in March of 2017 Dylan flew up to Portland to kick it with Wyatt and the COTK crew for the week to stack clips and shred dama! During this week, the EPIC combination of Dwest & Bray was sparked. A combination of two different styles mixed into one kendama with the outcome being banger doubles tricks. period. Along with these crispy dubs trick - this edit is flooded with single bangers from both Bray and Dwest. we out here. - DWEST & BRAY
More... Jul 10, 201887 2 1
Kendama USA Pro Wyatt Bray and Friday Kendama's Alyjah Onishi teamed up to hold down the Portland kendama scene and bring to you "KENDAMA". Two Homies, epic kendama skill, and one fire filmer -Chris Valdez. get it. @wyattslay @oni.shi @chrisvaaaldez @KendamaUSA @fridaykendama - much respect
More... Jul 30, 2018166 2 0
by Nick Lectura
Here's a cheeky promo edit we shot in Feb this you miss winter yet? ;)
More... Jul 31, 201814 2 0
W E D I D I T ! ! ! ✨ ONE YEAR STRONG with the KENDAMA USA TEAM EDITS! to celebrate... WE ARE PROUD TO BE INTRODUCE - THE KAIZEN SLIM!!! Beech wood, Silk Paint, and the SLIM KEN! These kendama are perfect for slings, stalls, lunars, lighthouses, flow... did we miss anything? Check out the capability of the KAIZEN SLIM and watch the TEAM EDIT! #KAIZEN #KAIZENSLIM #KAIZENKENDAMA #KENDAMAUSA #KUSA Get your KAIZEN SLIM at Music : Tyler, the Creator - I Ain't Got Time (Instrumental) Edited by scags Tricks preformed by (in order of appearance): BRYAN SCAGLINE ZACH MAGNUSON NOBU NORI EMMY EVANS KENYATTA WILLIAMS GAVIN HARVEY ALEX SMITH HALEY BISHOFF DAVE MATEO TJ KOLESNIK DYLAN WESTMORELAND Stay up to date with Kendama USA! Instagram Twitter Facebook Website Shop Kendama USA Playlist Spotify Apple Music Other ways to connect with Kendama USA - DownSpike
More... Sep 5, 2018106 2 0
My deepest apologies upon the super late upload, i hope you enjoy this one! 1. RELEASES 00:08 - Krom : New Pro Mods ( 01:21 - Sweets :...
More... Sep 11, 2018333 2 2
by azleonhart