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The Kendama USA - CREEP IT REAL TOUR is here!!! Kendama USA’s FIRST Halloween tour, ever! Jump in the van with Wyatt Bray, Dylan Westmoreland, Nobu Nori, Bryan Scagline, Zach Magnuson, and Jewbacca as they creep from Minnesota - all the way to Atlanta Georgia! Special shout out to everyone who came out to the jams! Be sure to comment below the spots, tricks, and moments ya'll we're feeling most!
More... Nov 4, 2019238 2 4
This is my first "full" edit and I couldn't be happier to share this with the world. After a month spent filming this starting in September 2019 and finishing in October, I feel that this is an adequate representation of the tricks I like doing right now and the direction I want to move in as a player. Would mean the world to me to hear what the DS community thinks of this one. This is my favorite kendama space on the Internet and I feel so lucky to be a part of this community. <3 <3 <3
More... Nov 14, 2019332 2 2
by goenKendama
Kendama USA vs Sweets Kendamas. Which should you buy? Truth is, you can't go wrong with either.
More... Mar 7, 2020392 2 0
by goenKendama
Sol Kendamas Pro Alex Mitchell is back again with the second edition of his new series, Fresh to Seshed. Alex opens a new kendama and breaks it in by playing it for the duration of the edit. The second edition of the series features the Round Two Collaboration kendama.
More... May 25, 202064 2 0
by goenKendama
Over the past couple months we've all spent many moments apart from one another; friends, family, and loved ones. However, it's in times like these that we are truly drawn to what brings us life and enjoyment when we can't share these joys with others. Over the past month or so I've decided to collect videos, pictures and memories to share with others what brings me life while we spend so many moments apart from one another. This edit has brought me an immense amount of joy, togetherness, and learning over the past month and has allowed me to truly appreciate and experience all the gifts God has given me and others in my life. I want to especially thank everyone in my life who has gotten me to this point and who helped make this edit happen. This one is for you guys. Much Love. Praise God. Sko Buffs.
More... May 30, 2020116 2 1
by Tim Mellen
Carter Justice from the Sol Kendamas Flow Team presents his third POV Kendama Edit. Cloud bounces and lunars.
More... Jul 31, 2020149 2 2
by goenKendama
If I got any of the taps wrong, please let me know! I did my best to double check but I definitely could have missed some. Check out my talk with Tiblex - we also talk about how it feels to tap that much, if 30 tap is possible, and more. Follow Lotus Kendamas on Instagram: @lotuskendamas Follow Isaac on Instagram: @isaac_tama Kendama is a skill-toy originating from Japan. Kendama is used to express creativity. Use the ken (wooden stick), the tama (ball), and the string to create tricks. Lotus Kendamas views Kendama is a tool to develop human potential. Lotus Kendama's mission is to spread the value of Kendama. Our designs and shapes are reflective on the beauty of this game and its progression. Our goal is to share Kendama with everyone in the world.
More... Sep 20, 2020288 2 1
by goenKendama
fallin50 is the documentation of the fall season through 50 spikes of the kendama. The entire video is shot with only using the 50mm lens. Shot by, edited by, directed by, and staring Jake Wiens. From Jake The fall is my favorite time of year with out a doubt. I call it "magic season". It is the season of change. This year way more than the weather and leaves have changed in my life. From the loss of my Grand Mother to the birth of my son owen 6 days later my life has for sure changed. This project allowed me to focus on the moment while everything around me changes. Holding hands with Isla walking through the woods, focusing hard on a kendama trick, and finding that perfect shot were all ways of living in the moment. Why 50mm lens? The 50mm is a lens that allows me to bring my subject to the front and blur the rest. With kendama I find this to be important. I also find it important when telling a story. I want you to take note of each leaf, each trick, each drop of rain, and be able to feel as if you are there. This fall has not been easy for me. I'm sure it has been difficult for others as well. The fall also reminds me that change is inevitable. Every year the leaves will fall just as every year they will come back. It's important to find the beauty in change and use it to evolve. The music. Rufus Du sol - Innerbloom. This song has been in my headphones for a very very long time. I am happy to be able to use it to fully express my vision for this video. Thank you all for watching. -Jake wiens
More... Dec 8, 2020533 2 3
by goenKendama
This month marks the start of 5 years of kendama and I can’t be more stoked to see how the game grows this year, as well as my own progression. Part 1 of 2 part series, the latter planned for a Fall release, and will be a stark contrast to Part 1. Using the Buoy mod from @citadelkendama Designed for mobile viewing. Let me know what you think in the comments #kendama #けん玉 #destroyalldamas #kendamacanada #kendamaedit #fcpx #buoymod
More... Jan 8, 2021Ace has been a homie of the Sweets Crew for years now. We knew he was a slayer from the first time we met in Hawaii. Ace has consistency skills that put most of us to shame. He currently holds the world record of 700 earth turns in a row! We asked Ace if he wanted to throw a contest...... 3 hours later this is what he sent us... RULES: 1.) The first person to copy this line, trick for trick, and post it to youtube first is the winner. 2.) Once the video is uploaded to Youtube share it on Downspike for the kendama world to see! PRIZE: Next Gen HG, OG HG, Unreleased 2017 kendama, HG Swag Pack, and a mystery prize.
More... Jan 11, 201772 2 12
by MattSweets
New set up and with the Kaizen 2.0 Ash Trip Split Pink/Black/Teal from Tried to one up my trick from the Craft Edit. Trick was dared by Kenyatta Williams (@Th0ken). It was definitely a cold grind for the most part. Don't forget to repost and enter the hat giveaway I put on with @spikehardcatchlow. you got 4 days left. #dailylace #spikehardcatchlow #shcl #spikehardcatchlowsociety #kaizen #kaizencraft #kusa #kendamausa #pumasuede #pumalifestyle @puma #catchyourdreams #dreamdama
More... Jan 22, 2017Episode 03 of the Tj Kolesnik Vlog Series. Only have an hour and 17 minutes to film a vlog? No problem! Check out this fun filled episode where Tj enjoys a nice early morning bike ride, teaching people kendama, filming tricks and BTS of a coffee / dama photo shoot he had. Kendama Set Up: Maple 2.0 CRAFT Ken x Casper Half Split Tama Coffee: Double Shot Espresso Music: ABSTRACT.
More... Jan 13, 201775 2 3
by teejkolesnik
Tj has embodied a dedication to Kendama and strong work ethic for several years. He has continued to progress his Kendama play, as well as developing skills in videography and editing, helping with the Kusa social media, and hosting Kendama events around the globe. Tj's enthusiasm and motivation for Kendama has been an inspiration to countless Kendama players around the world. In this edit we return to his roots in Lake Tahoe, and follow his Kendama journey to present day in San Diego, California. Tj's pro model features an ash wood ken and tama, quad stripe tama design, and our new super stick paint. How will you make waves? Shot, Directed and Cut by Jake Wiens Locations: Lake Tahoe, NV & San Diego, CA
More... Oct 16, 201694 2 4
by teejkolesnik