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Hey all! So after nearly three years of playing, I though it was about time to upload a collection video. My collection may seem a bit small for that amount ...
More... Jan 7, 201729 2 0
by Alex Hirota
Sol Kendamas owner Chad Covington spent the entire month of February grinding kendama with his non-dominant hand. These clips were filmed for 28 tricks later on Instagram and stitched together to create this edit. All tricks landed left/opposite hand. Hope you enjoy!
More... Apr 17, 2020120 2 2
by goenKendama
Figured I should do one last "kendama news" video for 2016. So much stuff going on, it is hard to keep up with it all. Buy a kendama pin: Sweets Kendamas: KROM: Kendama USA: Sol Kendamas: Pacific Northwest Kendamas - PNW: DOWNSPIKE: Kururin Stuff: Comcell - uptownjoe instagram - @mnuptownjoe Oquirrh Products - @oquirrhproducts EVENTS: Murrieta New Year's Kendama Fest - Battle at the Border - Slay Sin City - instagram - @cutthenoise
More... Dec 21, 201665 1 6
by Ian McDonell
Not mine, but I felt it was a must for this group. If it's a repeat let me know and I'll take it down.
More... Jan 6, 201725 1 0
@Sol Kendamas #DSGS-New Year, New Trick! This was a fun one! The Golden Triangle: Wrapped string around my thumb, index finger, and spike to create a triangle for the tama to swing into. Finished with the Penguin catch. Currently 6:30pm PST ;)
More... Feb 19, 201727 1 2
by Congarranza
33 1 2
by Richard Ky
Sweets Kendamas has been branching out! We have been connecting with people from all around the globe to bring the joy of kendama to everyone. This edit features the people behind all of our global Sweets accounts. We are so happy to be able to bring them all together for this EPIC video.
More... Mar 5, 202069 1 1
by goenKendama
Sol Flow Team member Carter Justice presents the Skol Sol Vibe. The Sol Vibes are a line of kendamas designed by every player on the Sol Kendamas team. Carter's vibe is inspired by the Minnesota Vikings.
More... Nov 4, 2020188 1 0
by goenKendama
9 Year Edit!! I hit my 9 year mark back in January so I’m really stoked to finally have this edit out. Ironically it also took 9 months to get from the start (filming that first “Instagram trick”) to completion (9 total tricks and time for George to edit). It’s hard to hold on to clips you’ve filmed instead of posting them on Instagram as soon as you land them. I really almost did post that first trick on Instagram back in August, that was my original intention when I thought of filming it. Good things take time and part of me didn’t know that when I started this. Before I knew it Summer ended and I got really busy again... If someone told me that it would take me this long to complete this at the beginning, I’m not sure if I would have stuck it out but I’m so glad I did. I hope this inspires people watching to take a break from posting every trick on Instagram and instead to spending some time making your own edit. Nobody’s going to hate you for becoming “less active” on social media so get out there and start filming! SPECIAL THANKS: Sweets Kendamas George Marshall Zack Gallagher Johnny Kress Colin Hislop
More... May 21, 2021301 1 0
by goenKendama
New edit shot over four days around Glasgow and surrounding areas. Some of these tricks were spontaneous while others have been in my mind for years. The intro trick in particular is inspired by Bonz's intro trick to his KROM pro edit. I saw that trick 5 years ago and thought yes, I want to hit something like that one day. Kendama has been my thing for over six years now and since my last edit, "Alot More in the Pot", which focused on taps, I have tried to level up other apsects of my play including slingers and lunars. Many hours later and I'm somewhere roughly where I want to be but also, no where near where I want to be. My eyes are on tomorrow. Paul
More... Jun 13, 202181 1 1
by Paul Sayer
Ben Brain VS 30 min. with a MagsMod!!! Watch our newest tribe team member Ben Brian absolutely crush a 30 minute sesh with a fresh. Ben has such a wide variety of tricks that he showcases in this session, don't blink! Watch the madness for yourself! shot/cut - Zach Magnuson Kendama play - Ben Brian
More... Aug 1, 2021292 1 1
by goenKendama
ATL Vibes EP 2 is here!!! Ben & Jay had a crazy trip to ATL to say the lest... Watch these two POP off all around ATL. The Boys had five days to run around and film with Mags last month and we are stoke to share the final video! These two are absolute rippers and we are stoked to have them apart of Kendama Usa. Enjoy the newest addition to the ATL Vibes series! Kendama Play - Ben Bryan & Jay Lawrence Instagram - @benjaminb_kendama @jay_dama_jay Shot/Cut - Zach Magnuson Instagram - @mags_prod
More... Aug 15, 2021154 1 0
by goenKendama
when I first began filming this part I could barely walk but with time and helping from the homies I was able to jam again and work myself back to 100% and I'm very grateful for that:) stay tuned! more is coming now that winter is here @tudbender
More... Nov 19, 202176 1 0