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Didn't win this comp (shouts to @Ben Lowe for killing) but worked really hard on it so I thought I would post it here. Enjoy! ;)
More... Nov 23, 2016Edit that my team put together this weekend, all recorded in one day, check it out and enjoy! :D
More... Dec 12, 20164 1 1
by Ethan_Beane
New edit of mine up on the kott channel! just a quick one, but some dope stuff nevertheless :D tell me what you think!
More... Dec 15, 201645 1 1
by Ethan_Beane
10 1 3
This is the very first edit me and my friends made. The tricks are SUPER basic, but looking back at it, it was such an awesome trip. I like this edit more than most stuff we are doing lately, even though the tricks are light-years beyond swingspike > earth-turn or whatever.
More... Dec 27, 20161 1 0
by bonerkid
This edit was one of the first kendama edit I watched when I started playing. My friend that got me into kendama showed me this edit and I was amazed on how many different tricks you can do with this toy. This edit inspired me to continue playing kendama!
More... Dec 27, 20169 1 0
by Peter Ramos
Throwin it back! If you haven't heard of this edit, I highly suggest you watch it. All of your favorite pros know this edit
More... Dec 28, 20160 1 1
by Nick Lectura
Some might not have seen this but this was one of the only videos on kendama when i started playing, other than Sanders of course.
More... Dec 28, 20161 1 1
by Churlthomp
2 1 0
11 1 0
Beginning of new KENDAMA style. Freestyle Kendama Channel "" The official YouTube account of "" Introduction ofãFamous players | New tricks | E...
More... Dec 29, 201611 1 1
by Richard Ky