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I never would have ever gotten into an amazing hobby without Logan Tosta, I met him one day at school in our PE class. A week later I knew who he was and what he did. Back when kendamas were extremely popular I didn't care much for it, but now being older and knowing a pro player I am physically obsessed with it to the point I can't go without it. Me and Logan filmed this in between the 19 and 21 of December 2016, and grabbed some clips for him too! Thanks for everything Logan!" - Carson Sears Filmed on a Cannon 70D Edited by Logan Tosta Published 12/21/2016
More... Dec 23, 201614 0 1
by Carson Sears
This is my first edit. I wanted to do one or two tricks a day for a whole week, and this is the result. I hope you enjoy! (P.S. my cats' names are Ozzy and Sasha)
More... Jan 24, 20172 0 0
by Zack Finch
So here's my latest edit of strange and unusual stuff. This the 10th one of these: we shoot for ninety minutes and then see what sort of weirdness I manage to land. Hopefully there's something new there for players of all levels. Have a great weekend, cheers, D.
More... Mar 10, 201735 0 3
by Donald Grant
From Taiwan-South Kendama @southkendama Player: Ting ting Guo @tintin__guo edit/flim: Duck @kenduckma
More... Jan 7, 2017Hope you guys enjoyed this edit put a lot of hard work! these tricks aren't the hardest! i just wanted to make an edit of what my style is like!!!! keep slay...
More... Dec 22, 20161 -1 2
by Dama_danny
0 -1 0
Today I brought my Kendama along with my BMX to go exploring around an old abandoned school. The biking portion of the video was certainly lacking so I tried to make up for it with some Kendama tricks (starting at 9:50).
More... Jan 10, 201867 -1 1
by Austin Ayers
Max and Bjorn get mic'd up at the biggest kendama tournament ever, the World Cup in Japan. Enjoy this behind the scenes look at the KWC. Visit for ALL of your kendama needs. featuring Max Norcross and Bjorn Sorenson
More... Jul 31, 2018267 0 1
by MattSweets
2 -2 2
In November 2012 the Kendama USA Pro Team traveled to Japan to explore Kendama's roots, players, and experience the homeland of this game that has changed all of our lives. This is the full length edit of our travels and tricks. Edited by Colin Sander. Made possible by Kendama USA.
More... Sep 20, 20164 0 0